Thursday, July 8, 2010

Keeping white feathers white

Common Loon
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
I'm rather proud of my plumage, if I do say so myself. Anyone have any suggestions for keeping it beautiful this winter in the Gulf?

Bird deterrent?

American Crow
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
BWAAAAAHHH! I don't think so.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The world seems like a wonderful place to be!

Common Loon
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
Mommy and Daddy are catching fish for me, and also teaching me how to find and catch my own. And they're showing me how to protect myself from danger. They've been alive for many years, and know everything loons need to know to survive. They said sometimes we get a storm or Bad Thing, but they also said that when I made it to the Gulf of Mexico this fall, it would be really fun and exciting, and I'd know just how to deal with any problems I encountered. What could be better? Yep--earth's the right place for me!

No way!

Common Loon
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
Daddy, that fish is just too big for me to eat.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Yes, my head is indeed streamlined.

Common Loon
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
It helps me be fast--under water and in the air.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Thought I'd give people a treat!

Alder Flycatcher
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
We Alder Flycatchers don't usually pose for photos. But heck--we're as beautiful as any, in my opinion, so I decided it was time to let a photographer see me up close and personal. Click on the photo and view "all sizes" to see how close I let her in. And after you look, please go away.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Every day is Flyday.

Alder Flycatcher
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson

Hey, Gray Jays!

I heard you guys are good at pulling ticks. Prove it! PLEASE!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Idyllic summer

Magnolia Warbler
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
I sure hope the oil gusher is over, and everything is cleaned up, by the time I head down to the tropics. I can't afford gas masks for me, my mate, and our chicks.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why, hello!

Now get off my territory!