Friday, March 13, 2009

I eat my mice raw.

Barred Owl
Originally uploaded by Laura Erickson
No one cooks for me. Why do you ask?


Kim said...

LOL! Love his eyes!

Ovidia said...

This conversation about food reminds me: when are you going to solicit an article about the lap band surgery so many cormorants in the Far East undergo?

I mean, I think it's time to blow the lid off this thing. I've heard about botched surgeries in other countries, but isn't anyone the least bit concerned that they put the band around the bird's THROAT instead of his STOMACH?

And that the band is on the OUTSIDE instead of the INSIDE?

Of course, I've heard that the results one can get from this variation on the surgery are nothing short of remarkable ...

Where exactly in the Far East is this done, again, and do you suppose they take Blue Cross?